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Beginning my assignment

So for assignment 2 of EMA 300 I needed to choose a subject to research and record my developing thoughts and understandings in a blog. I choose ethnomatematics....why you might ask. Well that would be a good question and I will give my answer here. It was the topic I knew least about, in fact I was unable to give a clear definition of what ethnomatematics even was, when I read the assignment sheet. I decided to go on a short quest to discover what ethnomathmatics was before I set my mind to this topic. Through a quick google search I gave myself a basic education and learnt that it was the relationship between culture and mathematics. While this gave me a simple understanding I knew my next step needed to be to find a more academic reading and develop my understanding into something more acceptable....and more importantly how such a topic could help me to be a better teacher in the future.



Thank you for visiting my sight. I hope you enjoy reading about my journey of discovery.




Ethnomatematics is a concept I was unfamiliar with at the beginning of this assignemnt, however I now hope that one day my classroom will be one that values and encourages studenst to see and connect with the maths I teach in a personal way, no matter what culture they are from.

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