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What is Ethnomathmatics??

After realising I needed to develop my understanding from a simple google search on ethnomathmatics, I found the following paper by Ubiratan D'Ambrosio (2001) useful in growing my understanding on the topic.

D’Ambrosio. (2001) What is ethnomathmatics, and how can it help children in schools? Teaching Mathematics. 7(6) 308-310. Retrieved form|A70651548&v=2.1&it=r&sid=summon&userGroup=ntu&authCount=1



Thank you for visiting my sight. I hope you enjoy reading about my journey of discovery.




Ethnomatematics is a concept I was unfamiliar with at the beginning of this assignemnt, however I now hope that one day my classroom will be one that values and encourages studenst to see and connect with the maths I teach in a personal way, no matter what culture they are from.

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